Confessions from Sasse Avenue. The ugly truth of the weird and wonderful world of Boyden Land. Abandon hope all ye who enter herein.

Scungells Photo Album
The family photo album from back in the day, featuring fabulous babies and unlikely descriptive notes that may or may not bear any semblance to actual reality. Indulge at the risk to your own mental health and safety.

The ageless wisdom of the planets and signs, explained in riveting detail by a modern master of the ancient art. And me as well.

The world's greatest sport presented by one of the most insightful, knowledgeable and lucid commentators of the Southern Hemisphere, undismayed by the playing career of a blind, one-legged halfwit.

Musical Theatre
Living proof that Perth musical associations such as the Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Western Australia have very low standards and accept talentless clods with delusions of grandeur into their ranks.

Creative Writing
As opposed to creative publishing, or indeed publishing of any sort. But who cares about that when a heady combination of coruscating, raw talent and blind, heedless egotism is let lose on unsuspecting blank paper. Or screen. Whatever.

About me
I was born in a crossfire hurricane. I was raised by a tootthless bearded hag.
No, wait.
That was Mick Jagger.
I'll think of something else to say.
Contact Us
85 Sasse Ave, Mount Hawthorn WA 6016, Australia